
LeaveHomeSafe code scanning lifted

The Government today announced that starting tomorrow, people will no longer be required to scan the LeaveHomeSafe QR code before entering various premises, while the amber code restrictions under the Vaccine Pass imposed on inbound travellers will also be lifted.

Secretary for Health Prof Lo Chung-mau made the announcement at a press briefing this afternoon.

He said the LeaveHomeSafe mobile app has been playing an important role in the fight against COVID-19. However, in view of the epidemic development, the Government considered that the requirement of scanning the relevant QR code can be rescinded and the Vaccine Pass arrangement should remain in force.

From tomorrow, venue operators will not need to display LeaveHomeSafe QR codes anymore. Those who wish to enter premises such as restaurants, bars and scheduled premises still have to fulfil the vaccination requirements and present the Vaccine Pass QR code before entry.

Prof Lo noted that people may continue to use the LeaveHomeSafe app as it carries several functions.


“LeaveHomeSafe is an app which can allow you to show the Vaccine Pass. It contains a number of functions, such as the scanning function, which can keep the record of your places of visit for you as well as using it for contact tracing.

“It also has a function of getting a code for your rapid registration for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing.

“You can actually show the Vaccine Pass with different means, including the eHealth mobile app. You can also screen capture the Vaccine Pass as well as use a paper version of the Vaccine Pass. These are all allowed.”

Meanwhile, the Government will cancel the three-day amber code restrictions on travellers arriving from overseas places or Taiwan, with effect from tomorrow.

Inbound travellers will still be required to undergo nucleic acid tests under the "test-and-go" arrangement at the airport on the day of arrival in Hong Kong and on Day 2 after arrival, as well as daily rapid antigen tests until Day 5. 

During the press briefing, the health chief also announced the adjustments to another three anti-epidemic measures, including the lifting of the additional rapid nucleic acid test at land boundary control points and the airport for travellers going to the Mainland or Macau prior to departure or boarding.


The Government will also adjust local testing strategies, including reducing the scope of target groups for regular nucleic acid testing, which will only apply to high-risk groups such as Hospital Authority staff as well as those working in residential care homes for the elderly and disabled people. In parallel, it will also gradually reduce the issuance of compulsory testing notices to residential buildings.

Furthermore, the Government will lift the requirement for people under home isolation to wear electronic wristbands, and will continue to ascertain whether the relevant individuals have stayed at their dwelling places by making random calls or conducting spot checks.

Other existing social distancing measures will be maintained until December 28, the Government added.

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