
What employer need to know about Ramadan for Indonesian helper

Indonesian maids will have a month-long fasting month once a year, and their work and schedule will be different from normal days. Employer who have hired Indonesian maids need to know that the hometown of Indonesian maids has this culture, and understand that their daily routine may be different from normal (For 2022, starting from April 3.)

Definition of fasting

Fasting is one of the "Five Pillars" required by Islam, which means Shahadah, Salat, Siyam, Zakat and Hajj.

Ramadan is a very important time of the year for Muslims. During the 30-day fasting month of Ramadan every year, except for the elderly, children, the sick, pregnant women, and women who are menstruating, all Muslims are not allowed to do the following from sunrise to sunset:

  • Diet

  • Smoking

  • Intimacy

(Except the elderly, children, the sick, pregnant women and women with menstrual cramps)


Definition of Ramadan Activities

  • Do not eat: It has the meaning of redemption. Do not eat or drink during the day, restrain selfish desires, and wash away the impurities and sins of the body and mind. During this period, Muslims focused more on reading the Koran and praying, and through self-reflection and comprehension, accepted the spirit conveyed by Allah.

  • Do not drink : You will feel dry and hot in your throat during the process of not drinking water. Muslims regard this process as the burning of sins. With Ramadan as a turning point, they pray that past mistakes will be forgiven and the same mistakes will not be made again.

  • Not smoking and engaging in sex: Restraining selfish desires, experiencing the suffering of the poor, and developing a heart of compassion; helping the poor and doing good deeds provide Muslims with an opportunity to practice self-control and purify their body and mind.

Ramadan living schedule reference

  • 04:30 - 18:15 Fasting time, no eating or drinking during this time.

  • 18.15 - 19.00 First meal after Qibla (also known as iftar)

  • 19.00 - 21.00 Gather with family in the mosque to pray and recite the Koran.

  • 21.00 - 23.00 Watch TV, chat or go out, or have a second meal.

  • 23.00 - 02.30 Rest and sleep.

  • 02.30 - 04.00 Bath and eat.

Iftar (after fasting)

When the sun sets past six o'clock, it means that the fasting time of the day is over. Most of the iftar foods are mainly desserts, because after suffering from thirst and hunger for a day, desserts help to relieve the stomach and replenish energy first.

A common iftar food is Kurma. Eating a few Kurma before iftar can help reduce hunger and appetite, and avoid overeating during meals. Some restaurants will also provide free Kurma for guests who come to break the fast before serving.

Sunlight Employment Agency hopes that the above information will help employers to better understand the meaning of Ramadan for Indonesian maids.

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