
Ten tips on arranging work for helpers (For novice employers)

The Importance of Assigning Work to Helpers

As helpers work and rest in their employers’ home, appropriate work arrangement is essential. Frequent communication with FDHs can also enable them to understand the employers’ expectations and family needs. This would assist the helpers in completing their work more effectively:

Sunlight Tips

  1. Employers can show their FDHs where household items are stored and guide them on how to use various tools, electrical appliances, etc.;

  2. In view of the myriad of household chores, employers can prioritise the domestic duties for their FDHs according to family routine and set a work schedule. Employers should ensure that their FDHs have sufficient time to perform the duties and have adequate rest;

  3. Even if a helper already has a certain level of work experience, he/ she may not be profi cient in performing all household chores. As the needs of each family vary, employers should explain the work requirements to their FDHs in detail and coach them as appropriate;

  4. As learning abilities vary between different people, employers should be patient when coaching their FDHs and should not be hasty. Employers may post reminders of housework arrangement at home or encourage their FDHs to take notes;

  5. Employers can enhance communication with family members to avoid setting different work requirements which would confuse their Helpers;

  6. If Helpers are required to take care of infants, children, elderly, people with disabilities, etc., employers should give them clear guidance on the detailed work procedures, preferences of the family members, points-to-note, etc., and demonstrate to them if necessary. At thesometime, employers should encourage the family members to communicate more with the Helpers so as to let the Helpers understand their needs;

  7. If Helpers are required to take care of children, employers can give them a detailed account of the children’s temperaments and habits, and tell them how they are expected to interact with the children. Employers can also explain the role of Helpers to the children so that they will not shout at the Helpers;

  8. If Helpers meet the employers’ requirements or perform well, employers can give them recognition; if there is still room for improvement in their performance, employers can give them advice, patient guidance or demonstration. Employers’ feedback on their Helpers’ work can help the Helpers understand their requirements. If Helpers make mistakes at work, employers should correct them by pointing out the mistakes clearly, rather than scolding or thrashing the Helpers;

  9. If Helpers are required to do grocery, they should be given enough money. Employers can also request their Helpers to provide a breakdown of the expenditures incurred for groceries or keep the receipts for checking or record purpose whenever necessary; and

  10. If Helpers are required to bring children to activities or do grocery, employers can give them clear instructions on the transport arrangement and provide them with enough money to travel.

Sunlight Employment Agency hopes that the above latest information can help employers to know more about the precautions when hiring helpers for the first time.

The information provided on this website is for reference only. No express or implied warranty is given by the Sunlight Employment agency as to the accuracy of the information and will NOT be liable for any errors in, omissions from, or misstatements or misrepresentations (whether express or implied) concerning any such information.
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