
Can prenatal education increase infant intelligence?

Human life begins at the moment when sperm and egg are combined. The concept of "zero-year-old" recognizes the life course that begins from the fetal period. Therefore, we must pay attention to and strive to create an excellent intrauterine environment to meet the needs of the growth and development of a new life.


At present, prenatal education has gradually received social attention. Music prenatal education, language prenatal education, fondling prenatal education, diet prenatal education, and prenatal prenatal education are gradually being recognized and used by people. These prenatal education have a common feature, that is, they all include aesthetic factors, and they all have beautiful content and form.


In ancient China, prenatal education has long been said. According to legend, the mother of Mencius once said: "I am pregnant as a child, and I am a child if I am not sitting upright, I am not eating upright, and I am pregnant." Also in the "Yuanjing Exegesis", there is "no eyesight, ears don't listen to obscene sounds," If you don’t speak nonsense, don’t eat evil, and often do things like loyalty, piety, friendliness, and goodwill, you will have a clever child and a talented and virtuous person." The legendary Houji mother Jiang Yuanshi paid great attention to prenatal education during the entire pregnancy. Maintaining a "quiet temperament, a kind person, a fond of crops, frequent trips to the countryside, ornamental plants, listening to the sounds of insects, dreaming of the clouds, and leaning against the wind." Therefore, Hou Ji after birth became the most successful ancestor in China's agriculture. .


According to the well-known American psychologist Bloom’s research on more than a thousand children for many years, the final conclusion is: 50% of human intelligence acquisition is before 4 years old, and the remaining 30% are between 4 and 8 years old. Obtained, the other 20% was completed after 8 years of age. Complete 50% before the age of 4, which should include prenatal education. The development of modern science has proved that repeated benign stimulation to the fetus during pregnancy can promote the good development of the fetal brain. A large number of facts in ancient and modern China and abroad also show that prenatal education is essential to promote the improvement of human IQ.
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