
Three ways to teach the fetus to learn

               According to Singapore's "Lianhe Evening News" report, Lenny Fantka, an obstetrician in Siho City, California, USA, designed a set of prenatal education methods. His collaborators are psychologists and doctors, who recruited unborn fetuses as students and founded the world's first fetal university. Since 1979, more than 1,000 graduates have been trained. The fetus enters school from the mother's 5th month of pregnancy until she graduates when she falls to the ground. Upon graduation, the principal awarded them square caps and diplomas. There are 3 compulsory courses in the fetal university, namely English, music and physical education. In English class, the mother used a horn-shaped microphone to repeat some words and phrases to the fetus. In music lessons, mothers put a toy xylophone on her belly and play a series of notes; or use audio tapes to play simple and beautiful melody. In the physical education class, the mother pats her belly to communicate with the fetus. The fetus keeps kicking in the belly. After a while, the fetus exercises and kicks where it feels the mother's hand. The fetus only attends two classes a day, each class is 5 minutes. This is the earliest ultra-early education in a person's life.

According to reports, when babies who have received this kind of prenatal education are born, there is a reserve of 50 words in their brains. Some "students" can call out "Dad-Dad" after two weeks of birth. One "student" is 8 weeks after birth. Can already say "Hello" clearly.

Hyundai has conducted a full range of in-depth research on prenatal education. It was found that the 4-month-old fetus can perceive external sounds, and the sound information continuously stimulates the fetus’s auditory organs and promotes its development. Hearing plays a very important role in the intellectual development of the human body. When the fetus develops to five or six months, its cerebral cortex structure has been formed. At this time, the fetus has the material basis to accept external stimuli.

How to teach the fetus to learn?

One is to use color cards to learn language and characters. Color cards are cards with language, characters, and numbers written on white paper with colored pens.

First, start with the Chinese pinyin a, o, e, i, u, ü, and teach 4 to 5 every day. If parents want to discover the fetus’s foreign language talents from an early age, they can also teach the fetus 26 English letters. First, uppercase and lowercase are taught. It is a simple word. When teaching the fetus to learn, mothers must devote their sincere feelings, be patient, and avoid being impatient and perfunctory.

The second is to use colored cards to learn arithmetic and graphics.

In this regard, the numbers depicted on the card, the shape and color of the graphics, and your voice are also conveyed to the fetus through a deep visual impression. The trick to making prenatal education successful is not to use a flat image but to convey it in a three-dimensional image. For example, when teaching 1+1 is equal to 2, you can say: "Here is 1 apple, and I brought another apple. Now there are 2 apples in total." The three-dimensional concept is introduced into prenatal education. When teaching graphics, first use colored pens to draw circles, squares, and triangles on the card, visualize them and pass them to the fetus, and find out the objects around them to explain.

The third is to learn common sense of life and natural knowledge.

The purpose of practicing this point is to let the fetus grasp the wisdom and common sense in life in advance so that they can be more interested in things in daily life after birth. The fetus's brain is like a piece of white paper. There is no easy way to understand information from the outside world. If you are curious, you will receive it, and if you are bored, you will reject it. In this way, some interesting topics can be selected selectively to the fetus through the senses and language to stimulate the fetus's thinking and curiosity. For example, when cooking, you can tell about cooking utensils and cooking methods, "tell" the color of the dishes to the fetus through vision, and convey the smell of the dishes to the fetus through smell.

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