
Ability development of the newborn

1. Vision

Newborns can briefly follow objects about 20 centimeters from their eyes, and like to look at human faces, especially the mother's smiling face, distinct images, contrasting colors, and simple line drawings (such as red balls, black and white bullseye) , Bar graphs, etc.). But his eyes drifted, and occasionally esotropia appeared.

When the newborn is sleeping, it will wake up once every 2-3 hours. When the newborn opens his eyes, the adult can put a red round toy 20 cm in front of his eyes to attract the attention of the newborn, and then go up and down. , Move the toy left and right, the newborn will slowly move his head and eyes to follow the toy. When waking up, newborns’ eyes and head generally have the ability to look at and follow moving objects to varying degrees.

2. Hearing

Newborns have sound directionality and are very sensitive to hearing. Like to listen to mother's heartbeat and high-pitched voice. Hearing pleasant sounds will stop crying, and strong noises will easily make them startled, change the breathing rate, cry, and turn to the direction opposite to the source of the sound. Can recognize some sounds and turn his head to familiar sounds.

In order to promote the development of the newborn’s hearing, the newborn can talk to the newborn in a cordial tone anytime and anywhere when the newborn is awake during breastfeeding or nursing, and it can also play beautiful music for the newborn, swing the soft toy, and give it hearing and vision. Stimulate.

3. Pain

Systemic or local reactions appear after painful stimulation, such as crying.

4. Action

The hand of the newborn has a reflex grip function, and most of the time is a fist-like shape, the thumb can be inside the fist (adduction) or outside the fist. Sometimes you can’t control your hands accurately when you put your hands in your mouth. When lying prone, the head can be slightly raised for 1-2 seconds, and when lying on the back, the head is always turned to one side

5. Smell

Newborns have the ability to distinguish odors, can recognize the scent of mother's milk, and express aversion to irritating odors. When he smells a familiar smell, he reacts to increased heart rate, changes in activity level, and can turn to the direction of the smell

6. Warm and cold sleep

When a newborn enters a colder environment, there will be crying, trembling and other reactions. When a part of the body is stimulated by cold or heat, it will cry.

7. Touch

Newborns have the ability to feel the touch of different temperature, humidity, texture and pain of objects, and the lip area is the most sensitive. The sense of touch is the main way for babies to understand the world and communicate with the outside world. Newborns have a sense of touch from the very beginning of life and are accustomed to the environment in the womb. After birth, they naturally like a warm environment close to the body, soft clothes and quilts. Gentle touch and hug will make newborns feel comfortable and safe. They don't like being touched or hugged rudely. When the newborn is crying, the parents pick him up and pat him gently. This process fully reflects the need to satisfy the newborn's tactile comfort.

8. Taste

Newborns have very good taste recognition ability. They know the tastes of sour, sweet, bitter, and salty. They have unpleasant expressions when they taste salty, sour, and bitter tastes, such as frowning when drinking sour orange water. Newborns naturally like sweetness.

9. Language and communication

Newborns cry in different ways to express their needs, and crying is the way they communicate with adults. In addition to crying because of dampness, hunger, discomfort, etc., they also cry because of the desire to be accompanied and paid attention to.

The cry of normal newborns was loud and tactful, which made people listen to it pleasantly. The cry of sick newborns is often high, short, hoarse or weak. If you encounter this situation, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. There are many reasons for normal newborns to cry, such as hunger, thirst or dampness. Unexplained crying may occur before going to bed or when they just wake up, and they can generally fall asleep quietly after crying.

When most newborns are crying, if they are picked up and leaned on their shoulders, not only can they stop crying, but they will also open their eyes. If his parents tease him, he will watch the communication. In general, by talking face to face with the newborn, or putting your hand on his abdomen, or pressing and holding his arm, about 70% of newborns can stop crying after this comfort.
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