
Breast care guidance after breastfeeding

               (1) Milking method when there is too much breast milk. When newborns stop breastfeeding before they are empty, the remaining milk should be squeezed clean in time. The method of milking is: wash your hands first, then use the thumb and other fingers of your hands to gently press the area outside the areola, and then use your thumb and index finger to squeeze down at the same time, from light to heavy, squeeze the milk come out.

 (2) Storage of expressed breast milk. Put the expressed milk into a clean cup. (Or put it in a clean breast milk bag and put it in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator)·

 (3) After milking, apply a drop of milk around the nipple and let it dry.

 (4) Help the parturient women to put hydrogels, breast pads and other nipple protectors outside, and then put on a bra to protect the breasts.

【Achieving Standards】

During breastfeeding, the parturient has no nipple and breast pain, nipple chapped, and feels the happiness of the breastfeeding newborn.

The mother was breast-feeding normally during the breast-feeding process, and no mastitis occurred.

If symptoms of mastitis occur during breastfeeding, the mother should be reminded to go to the hospital in time.


Master the techniques of breast massage. When the breasts appear induration or lumps, perform massage to dredge the mammary ducts in time.

Note that if there is too much milk remaining after breast-feeding, the milk should be expressed to empty the breast.

【Tools and Materials】

Clean towels, breast pumps, sterilized baby bottles, hydrogels, etc. If mastitis occurs, you should prepare external Chinese medicine such as Ruyi Jinhuang San.

【related information】

1. If there is a cracked nipple, it will increase the chance of bacteria invading from the ulcer. Special attention should be paid to preventing mastitis. For example, it is necessary to observe whether the newborn has oral inflammation (such as thrush). If so, remind the mother to treat the newborn as soon as possible to prevent the newborn’s oral bacteria from entering the mother’s body through the cracked nipple and causing mastitis.

2. In order to prevent the occurrence of mastitis, women should wear loose cotton underwear and bras. Chemical fiber products should not be used because the fiber microspheres of chemical fiber products may enter the body along the breast opening. A tight bra.            

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