
Does music help the baby's physical and mental development?

               Music can create a good prenatal education environment for pregnant women. Music prenatal education uses beautiful, gentle melody and rhythm to improve the emotional state of pregnant women and give good stimulation to the physical and mental development of the fetus. The impact of music on people is extremely complex. Different music can stimulate people's different emotions. For example, music with a clear rhythm can invigorate people's spirits and be inspired; music with beautiful melody can make people feel enthusiastic and produce unprecedented Strength; low-pitched, sad, slow-paced music can make people feel melancholy. If pregnant women listen to rock music, disco, etc. for a long time, the neuroendocrine system of pregnant women will be strongly stimulated, and the body will secrete too much adrenaline, norepinephrine and corticosteroids, thereby disrupting the normal regulation function of the cardiovascular system and the normal body Metabolic function, which in turn causes insufficient blood supply to the placenta, and causes fetal dysplasia. Appropriate music will make the fetus's heart rate change with the rhythm of the music. The fetus who has undergone "prenatal education music" training has fast response, strong language skills, and agile movement coordination.

"Ears and eyes are clear", which shows the importance of hearing to human intellectual development. Musical prenatal education is mainly for hearing training for the fetus. For example, when pregnant women are doing housework and tidying up the room, they can sing some songs as long as they have time, so that the fetus can constantly hear the mother’s melody and moving songs, and convey the body’s "message of love", which is important for communication Foundation is the most effective method, and it is also very important for cultivating fetal susceptibility.

Music can cultivate people's rich sensibility. During the break, choose to listen to music with a slow, melodious and soft melody, such as "serenade", "waltz", "lullaby", "little prodigy", etc., so that pregnant women can free themselves from the busy work The psychology of you and the fetus is full of peace and happiness.

Pregnant women should listen to music at any time according to the rules of life, but earphones should not be worn, and the volume should be controlled between 45 and 55 decibels. The time for listening to music to the fetus should not be too long, usually 5 to 10 minutes, preferably at 7 to 9 in the evening. Any fetus over 4 months old can listen to music. Let your baby feel the charm of music from the fetal period!            

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