
Pre-pregnancy Physiological Preparation and Eugenics

(I) Maintain a healthy weight

When couples discover that they are obese or underweight before pregnancy, they should pay attention to the pathological factors that cause obesity or underweight, such as tuberculosis, hyperthyroidism, tumors, diabetes, Cushing’s sign, polycystic ovary syndrome, etc. If the disease factor is ruled out, you need to consult a dietitian, through changing your eating habits, and doing appropriate exercise, try to adjust your weight to a normal range before pregnancy.

(Ii) Prevention of anemia

Before pregnancy, anemia can reduce gonadal function and affect the quality of sperm and eggs.
After pregnancy, anemia has a greater impact on the fetus and pregnant women, which can increase the incidence of premature birth, low birth weight infants, stillbirth, or fetal distress. At the same time, pregnant women are prone to diseases such as anemic heart disease.
Pregnant women with anemia are slow to recover after childbirth, and their resistance is reduced, they are prone to infection, poor wound healing or postpartum hemorrhage.

(Iii) Control chronic diseases

Suffering from chronic diseases such as heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, thyroid disease, etc., may affect gonadal function and adversely affect the production and development of sperm and eggs. Female patients with the aforementioned chronic diseases will have adverse effects on the embryo during pregnancy, causing miscarriage, premature delivery, fetal dysplasia, and even stillbirth and stillbirth. At the same time, for the patient itself, the condition may be aggravated by pregnancy.

(Iv) Rational use of medicines

Mothers-to-be and fathers-to-be with chronic diseases should pay attention that some drugs for treating chronic diseases can affect the formation of sperm and eggs and reduce gonadal function. If you become pregnant while taking the drug, the drug may also affect the embryo or fetus. It is recommended that patients with chronic diseases, under the guidance of a doctor, evaluate the disease and the impact of the drugs used on fertility, and choose the drugs with the least impact on fertility and the appropriate timing of fertility.

(5) Early detection of mental illness

Most mental illnesses such as schizophrenia have obvious genetic predispositions. If you become pregnant during treatment, both the disease itself and the medicine may have adverse effects on the germ cells and fetus. It is often not suitable to have children when suffering from mental illness. If you want to give birth, it is recommended to consult a specialist, and carefully decide whether to give birth or choose the right time for giving birth under the guidance of an experienced psychiatrist and obstetrician.

㈥Beware of infectious diseases


Viral hepatitis



Reproductive tract infections: bacterial vaginitis, trichomonal vaginitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, genital chlamydia infection, etc.

Sexually transmitted diseases: The key sexually transmitted diseases for prevention and treatment include AIDS, syphilis, gonorrhea, chancroid, venereal lymphogranuloma, non-gonococcal urethritis, condyloma acuminatum, and genital herpes
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