
Free Return Passage and Food and Travelling Allowance for helpers

Helper return to home

When helpers work in Hong Kong, they actually have their own families and children in the countryside. The Labour Department actually has terms and conditions for the arrangement of th relevant topics.

Sunlight Tips (Free Return Passage and Food and Travelling Allowance for helpers)

Is my employer responsible for paying my passage back to my place of origin upon completion or termination of the contract?

Yes. According to the standard employment contract, your employer shall provide you with free return passage to your place of origin upon completion or termination of the contract. The employer usually provides you with an air ticket for the return to your place of origin, and a daily food and travelling allowance of HK$100 per day when you return to your place of origin.

Should I pay for my helper's return passage upon completion or termination of the contract? What other points should I pay attention to?

Yes. Under the standard employment contract, you should provide your helper with free return passage to his/her place of origin upon completion or termination of the contract. You are advised to provide an air ticket (including basic checked luggage) to your helper instead of giving cash equivalent to the value of an air ticket so as to reduce the chance that the helper departs for neighbouring places other than his/her place of origin after receiving the payment. Besides, to ensure that both parties have sufficient and reasonable time to handle matters related to contract completion or termination, you are advised to confirm the departure arrangement with your helper (such as departure date, destination, etc.) before buying the air ticket.

How much should I pay for my helper's food and travelling allowance under the employment contract?

It depends on the time that your helper takes from Hong Kong back to his/ her place of origin. The employment contract stipulates that the daily food and travelling allowance is HK$100 per day. If you do not provide an air ticket with the most direct route to your helper's place of origin, you may need to pay a higher daily food and travelling allowance due to additional travelling days

Sunlight Employment Agency hopes that the above latest information will help employers and helper to know more about the Free Return Passage and Food and Travelling Allowance topic.

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